Davidoff Primeros -
Time, however brief, however short, filled beautifully
Time, as we know, can sometimes pass too quickly. But imagine if, only for a moment, you could pause it, creating a time of escape and of reflection. How would you fill that time?
Beautifully, we’d suggest, with a hand-made Primeros by Davidoff. The perfect companion for those short moments, you’ll be rewarded with rich aromatic, harmonious flavours and sophisticated taste that only Davidoff can deliver.
Davidoff Primeros Nicaragua Maduro
The Primeros by Davidoff Nicaragua in the Maduro version of the same Petit Panetela format imparts a more intensive flavor. The complexity and balance create an extraordinary smoking experience in those moments of escape , whether over lunch or a short break. This small cigar provides similar palate stimulation to the regular Davidoff Nicaragua line, yet is more intense and sweet, while developing amazing chocolate flavors.
Jetzt kaufenDavidoff Primeros Nicaragua
Primeros by Davidoff Nicaragua share the same level of sophistication and intense stimulation as the original Davidoff Nicaragua cigars. The filler is a combination of Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos, the binder Ecuadorian and the wrapper a Habano seed from Nicaragua. Expertly crafted by Davidoff, they release a slightly milder, peppery, creamy and bitter-sweet taste. Primeros by Davidoff Nicaragua. A small moment of pleasure, filled with an exquisite small cigar.
Jetzt kaufenDavidoff Primeros Classics
Primeros by Davidoff Dominican deliver a heady combination of sweet and mild woody notes. Hand-made and created with the same care, devotion and attention to detail as all our cigars, it has a filler of Dominican tobaccos, a San Vicente binder and a Connecticut wrapper. So, no matter how little time you have, this mild and pleasurable cigar will fill it beautifully.
Jetzt kaufenDavidoff Primeros Maduro
Our Primeros by Davidoff Dominican Maduro deliver a richly refined and beautifully rounded experience. With filler from the Dominican Republic and a Peruvian binder coupled with a Yamasá wrapper, you'll be rewarded with the perfect combination of a deep, intense taste, accompanied by pronounced sweetness and creaminess. Primeros by Davidoff Dominican Maduro. In short, a truly delicious small cigar.
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